Securesearch, Inc. began in business 40 years as a research and consultation organization of several professional criminologists studying the terrorist incidents, urban guerrilla warfare, and revolutionary movements, active at that time in the late 1960s and most of the 1970s. Among them were: the Weather Underground and Symbionese Liberation Army in the USA, the Red Brigades (Brigati Rossi) in Italy, Action Direct in France and Canada, the Animal Liberation Front in the USA and the United Kingdom, violent anti-abortion groups in various countries, the Front de Liberation du Quebec in Canada, the Tupamaros in Peru, the Naxalites in India, Ethiopian liberation groups, a Maoist liberation group in Nepal, the FARC in Colombia, the IRA in
Northern Ireland and England, the Front de Liberation National (FLN) in Algeria, the Rote Armee Fraktion in Germany and the Japanese Red Army in Japan, the Palestine Liberation Organization in Israel (which was also causing riots, bombings and civil strife problems in Lebanon, Jordan and elsewhere) and other liberation groups in Indonesia and the Philippines and in a number of African countries, etc. They bombed trains and buildings, kidnapped and kept judges and senior executives and military personnel as hostages for ransom, assassinated senior people– including a Canadian government federal Minister, Lord Louis Mountbatten of England and Aldo Moro, the Prime Minister of Italy.
After several years of study and offering short seminars on several subjects, we set up a training division and a training aids manufacturing division. We provided training to those people who needed and requested it in government and private industry; we also sold training aids to police and military instructors and to security managers in industry, who wanted to teach their own courses –but needed our professional training aids to help better get the subject matter across to their employees.
In the years since, our primary focus has concentrated on an expanding range of training aids for other people to use; but we still offer and teach several specialized courses every year or two, for as few as one or two persons– and as many as 250. The courses cover explosives and improvised explosive devices, vehicle search techniques for hidden explosives and contraband, x-ray image identification and interpretation, and a few custom-designed special courses at the request of specific customers.
While we are not set up as a “school”, we can provide courses at mutually agreed-upon locations suitable to the type and content of the course and the number of students taking it.
Securesearch, Inc. has produced the following instructional video programs, which are available on VHS videotape as long as the demand continues for that playing format and as DVDs. The products cover explosives, bombs and bomb threats; bomb search procedures with some specific concerns for security managers; hidden contraband in luggage—how smuggling luggage is constructed and how to detect it; dealing with letter bombs and parcel bombs, and x-ray image identification and interpretation for screeners and bomb technicians.
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